2024. a. ilmunud IPC standardid

2024. a. ilmunud IPC standardid

2024. aastal ilmunud uued ja uuendatud IPC dokumendid

IPC Standardid 2024

2024. aastal ilmunud või uuendatud standardid on siin:

IPC-7095E, Design and Assembly Process Guidance for Ball Grid Arrays (BGAs) – The IPC-7095E describes design and assembly implementation for ball grid array (BGA) and fine-pitch BGA (FBGA) technology, focusing on inspection, repair and reliability issues associated with design and assembly of printed boards using these packages. IPC-7095E provides the useful and practical information to those who use or are considering using BGAs. IPC-7095E provides descriptions on how to successfully implement robust design and assembly processes for printed board assemblies using BGAs as well as ways to troubleshoot some common anomalies which can occur during BGA assembly.

IPC-8401, Guidelines for In-Mold Electronics – IPC-8401 standard provides guidelines for In-Mold Electronics (IME) manufacturing processes, part structures, candidate materials, and production test methods. In-Mold Electronics integrates printed electronics and electrical components into injection molded plastics, creating a three-dimensional smart molded structure. IME technology uses mass production processes, materials, and components. IME parts are structural electronics characterized by their lightweight, thinness, robustness, and seamless integration.

IPC-6904, Qualification and Performance Specification for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates – IPC-6904 standard establishes and defines the qualification and performance requirements for printed electronics and their forms of component mounting and interconnecting structures on rigid substrates. The substrate can be conductive, semiconductive or nonconductive.

IPC-2294, Design Standard for Printed Electronics on Rigid Substrates – IPC-2294 standard establishes specific requirements for the design of printed electronic applications and their forms of component mounting and interconnecting structures on rigid substrates. Rigid substrates, as applies to IPC-2294 standard, are those that are not required to be flexed into a new shape for the purposes of assembly or operation. The rigid substrate can be conductive (e.g., rigid printed board or assembly), semiconductive or nonconductive.

IPC/HERMES-9852 – Version 1.6, The Global Standard for Machine-to-Machine Communication in SMT Assembly – The IPC-Hermes-9852 standard provides a state-of-the-art communication protocol for machine-to-machine communication for surface-mount technology. Used with IPC-2591, Connected Factory Exchange, IPC-HERMES-9852 can assist any electronics manufacturer, large or small, to align their companies with smart manufacturing and Industry 4.0. Version 1.6 includes updates to SendBoardInfo and capabilities for Hermes-enabled equipment to be queried on its Hermes capabilities.

IPC-A-610J, Acceptability for Electronic Assemblies – IPC-A-610J is the most widely used electronics assembly acceptance standard in the electronics industry. Participants from 31 countries provided their input and expertise to bring this document to the electronics industry. IPC-A-610J is a must-have standard for inspectors, operators and others with an interest in the acceptance criteria for electronic assemblies. IPC-A-610 is developed in synergy with J-STD-001 and IPC/WHMA-A-620.

J-STD-001J, Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic – IPC J-STD-001J is recognized globally for its criteria on soldering processes and materials. Updated with participants from 27 countries providing input and expertise. IPC J-STD-001J is a must-have for those in the electronics industry with an interest in the process and acceptance criteria for electrical and electronic assemblies. IPC J-STD-001 is developed in synergy with IPC-A-610 and is supported by IPC-HDBK-001 for those wanting additional information and explanation on the requirements. If you purchase IPC J-STD-001J, you should also purchase and use IPC-A-610J because of the synergy between the two documents.

IPC-7711/21D, Rework, Modification and Repair of Electronic Assemblies – The IPC-7711/21 guide provides procedures for rework, repair and modification of printed board assemblies, including tools and materials, common procedures, coating removal and graphics to assist the user.

IPC-A-610 – Revision J – Redline Standard: Acceptability for Electronic Assemblies – IPC-A-610H to IPC-A-610J redline document shows the changes from IPC-A-610H to IPC-A-610J in a side-by-side comparison of the two documents. The IPC-A-610J redline is only available in electronic format, it is not available in hardcopy. As a comparison document it does not replace the standard.

IPC-J-STD-001 – Revision J – Redline Standard: Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic AssembliesThe IPC J-STD-001H to IPC J-STD-001J Redline Comparison Document is a redline document showing the changes from J-STd-001H to J-STD-001J. The IPC J-STD-001H to IPC J-STD-001J Redline Comparison Document is only available in digital format and provides a side-by-side comparison of the two documents.

IPC-J-STD-004D, Requirements for Soldering Fluxes – IPC J-STD-004D standard prescribes general requirements for the classification and characterization of fluxes for high quality solder interconnections. IPC J-STD-004D standard may be used for quality control and procurement purposes.

IPC-J-STD-005B, Requirements for Solder Pastes – J-STD-005B standard lists the requirements for qualification and characterization of solder paste. It references test methods, criteria, and metal content, viscosity, slump, solder ball, tack and wetting of solder pastes. Additional support is provided in IPC-HDBK-005, Guide to Solder Paste Assessment.

IPC-4413, Specification for Finished Fabric Woven from Low Dk Glass for Printed Boards – IPC-4413 standard covers finished fabrics woven from low Dk electrical grade glass fiber yarns that are intended as a reinforcing material in laminated plastics for electrical and electronic use. All fabrics covered by IPC-4413 standard are plain weave.

IPC-4562B, Specification for Metal Base Copper Clad Laminates for Printed Boards – IPC-4562A standard covers metal unsupported foils and foils supported by carrier films suitable for subsequent use in printed boards. IPC-4562B addresses the requirements of metal foils used in printed wiring applications.

IPC-4922, Requirements for Sintering Materials for Electrical and Thermal Interconnects – IPC-4922 standard prescribes general minimum requirements for the classification and testing of sintering materials for reliable electrical and thermal interconnects. IPC-4922 standard is a sintering materials classification, quality assurance and procurement document for sintering materials.